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IC1396 & Elephant's trunk

Constellation: Cepheus

There is a dark nebula in IC1396 which is popularly known as the "Elephant's trunk". It is an interesting H-alpha object in September!

12/13 August 2007

Scope: Takahashi FS60c
Camera: Artemis 285
Filters: Astronomik Ha (13Nm) + IRB
Exposure (1x1 binning): 12x600sec
Guide scope: Celestron C8 with 0.66x Celestron focal reducer
Guide camera: Vesta SC3 bw webcam
Mount: Vixen GPDX
Capture sw: Artemis Capture (to 16bit FITS)
Guiding sw: LxGuideStar
and MTSca Pro

Calibration: ImageTOOLSca bias,darks,flats
Stacking: ImageTOOLSca
Adjustments: Photoshop CS2

Image shown at left is reduced to 65%. Click image to see the full resolution result.

10 September 2006

Scope: Celestron C8 with Celestron 0.63 reducer
Camera: Artemis 285
Filters: Astronomik Ha (13Nm)
Exposure (2x2 binning):
- patch 1: 16x300sec
Guide scope: Takahashi FS60c
Guide camera: Vesta SC3 bw webcam
Mount: Vixen GPDX
Capture sw: Artemis Capture (to 16bit FITS)
Guiding sw: K3CCDTools3 and MTSca Pro

Calibration: ImageVIEWca
Stacking: K3CCDTools3
Adjustments: Photoshop CS2